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What is the Little Black Dress Campaign?  

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The Little Black Dress Initiative was founded by two members of the Junior League of London in 2014 as a social media driven fundraising campaign that uses the iconic “little black dress” to raise awareness about poverty and its effects on women in society. Participants pledge to wear one little black dress or ensemble for five consecutive days and use their social media platforms to shine a light on poverty and raise funds to be poured back into the community.

This unique campaign seeks to make “poverty unfashionable” by showcasing the effects of financial hardship, low self-esteem and limited access to resources and opportunities. It perfectly aligns with our community impact area: empowering women and children

A look at poverty among women and children in our community

  • 42 percent of women who are head of household are living in poverty
  • 21.9 percent of children in Tuscaloosa are living in poverty
  • 17.5 percent of community members have food insecurities


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